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Conoce el dispositivo

Nuestros Dispositivos utilizan microcorriente EMS para ayudarte a dormir fácil y rápidamente, reducir el estrés y mejorar la calidad del sueño.

Es una mejora física pura de la calidad del sueño, sin drogas, sin productos químicos añadidos, sin efectos secundarios, sin dependencia y sin dañar el cuerpo.

La microcorriente utilizada en NeuroTech cuenta con la aprobación de la FDA, garantizando su seguridad y eficacia.

Microcurrent: A Look at Some of the Multiple Research That Supports Its Efficacy

Electroacupuncture and Acupuncture in the Treatment of Anxiety - Clinical trial

The study was carried out by Amorim and collaborators in 2022.

Aim :
To evaluate the effectiveness of electroacupuncture and traditional acupuncture in the treatment of anxiety.

Method :
A double-blind, randomized, parallel clinical trial was conducted. Participants were randomly assigned to receive electroacupuncture or traditional acupuncture treatments, without knowing which group they belonged to to maintain objectivity.

Main Results :
Both treatments, electroacupuncture and traditional acupuncture, were shown to be effective in reducing anxiety symptoms. However, electroacupuncture showed a slight additional benefit on certain measurement parameters compared to traditional acupuncture.

Conclusion :
Acupuncture, in its different modalities, represents a valuable and effective tool in the treatment of anxiety. It is essential to consider these alternative therapies to offer comprehensive and personalized relief to those who suffer from this

Link to the Full Study

Study on Alpha-Stim Cranial Stimulation to Treat Anxiety and Depression in University Students

Clinical study focused on evaluating the effectiveness of Alpha-Stim cranial electrostimulation in the treatment of anxiety and depression in university students. The research involved the administration of this innovative treatment by specialized nurses, and sought to determine not only its clinical effectiveness, but also its acceptability and associated costs.

Surprising Results:

The results of the study revealed that Alpha-Stim cranial electrostimulation was not only effective in significantly reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression in students, but it was also highly accepted by them and turned out to be an economically viable option.

Conclusion :

In a world where mental health is increasingly crucial, not having effective tools to combat disorders such as anxiety and depression can be devastating. However, backed by solid research like this, students have the opportunity to change the course of their well-being. With Alpha-Stim cranial electrostimulation, you not only open the door to a brighter academic future, but to a full life free of the overwhelming symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Link to the Full Study

Efficacy of Electroacupuncture in the Treatment of Insomnia Related to Depression

The study addresses electroacupuncture, a therapeutic modality that combines traditional acupuncture with electrical stimulation.

Aim :
To determine the effectiveness of electroacupuncture in the treatment of insomnia related to depression.

Method :
A randomized controlled trial was carried out, where one group of participants received electroacupuncture treatments, while another group (the control group) may have received a placebo or standard treatment.

Surprising Results :
Electroacupuncture was shown to be significantly effective in improving sleep quality in participants who suffered from insomnia due to depression. These participants experienced a reduction in the frequency of nighttime awakenings and an increase in total sleep duration.

Not having effective treatments for depression-related insomnia can lead to a decrease in quality of life and exacerbate depressive symptoms. However, with the implementation of therapies such as electroacupuncture, there is a promising and effective alternative that can make a difference in the lives of those who suffer from this disorder.

Link to the Full Study

Customer Reviews

Based on 113 reviews
Javier Rodriguez

Este producto realmente hace el trabajo cuando se trata de dormir. Te ayuda a relajarte y a conciliar el sueño más fácilmente, lo que significa que cada noche es una buena noche de descanso. ¡Recomendado para aquellos que buscan dormir como bebés! Jajajajajaj

Juan Alberto Hernandez Castillo

Tiene la forma de un pequeño huevo🥚Que cabe en tu mano. Lo he probado varias veces, y entrega una pequeña descarga eléctrica de la placa de metal en la parte inferior. Noté que mientras lo usaba en la palma izquierda en la configuración de sueño, me tranquiliza, creo que funciona cuanto más lo usas. Si presionas la "M" en el medio tiene otro ajuste llamado "Excitado", y dice que si lo usas en la palma de la mano derecha, te ayudará a lidiar con el cansancio y la depresión. Lo compré para mi mamá, porque tiene problemas para conciliar el sueño, pero lo intentaré primero, y se lo haré saber. La forma es realmente linda, también. Me recuerda a Eve de la película WALL-E, él🙂

Marcos Arribas-Layton

Es pequeñito y facil de usar, a los 20 minutos ya me habia dormido me sorprendió bastante por eso vine a dejar mi comentario estoy fullll encantada con mi compra

Julian B.

He estado utilizando este producto desde hace unas semanas y realmente ha superado mis expectativas. La calidad es impresionante y se nota que está hecho con atención al detalle. La relación calidad-precio es inmejorable. Sin duda, es una de las mejores adquisiciones que he hecho en mucho tiempo. Totalmente recomendado!

Adriana Peña
Yo llevo 10 días esperando un número de rastreo o confirmación de mi compra

Llevo 10 días esperando número de rastreo o confirmación de mi compra. No tienen ningún número de servicio al cliente, pienso que esto es fraude.